Upcoming Classes and Products

The most up to date calendar (it is Brian's Google Calendar), is located at www.TheSecuritiesGuys.com/calendar

All of our classes are Memberships. You are not signing up for a specific class, but for a 10-15 week membership based on the class. You will be able to join ALL of the live classes, ALL of the classes, during your membership period.

Links will be on the members portal website, and will be emailed out the day before, and day of each of the classes during your membership period.

Upcoming Classes in 2024

Simply click the image of the class for more information and to register.

Some of our classes come in two forms, and are labeled:

Lecture: We will cover the full lecture of the material, LIVE

Study Group: Learn test strategies, Break down questions (student's or question bank) live with students, and Learn to get stronger on each topic (Usually done early, depending on number of student's questions)

Mondays at 8pm Eastern

Always On!

Weekly live classes going over the content students want, with lectures OnDemand!

Stuff to Know for SIE Included!

at 10am Eastern

Coming up on:

(Lecture)Tuesday July 2,

(Study Group) Wednesday, July 17,

at 10am Eastern

Coming up on:

Thursday, June 20

Wednesday, July 3

Tuesday, July 16

at 10am Eastern

Coming up on:

Wednesday, June 26

Thursday, July 25

at 10am Eastern

Coming up on:

Live Study Groups every Monday, 10am Eastern, and also throughout the week. Check out the schedule at www.TheSecuritiesGuys.guru/Calendar, or at the Series 65 University overview site, under the Live Zoom sessions.

Want to chat and ask questions?

This form collects information we will use to send you updates about promotions, special offers, and news. We will not share or sell your personal information. You can unsubscribe at any time.
  •  2016-2023 The Securities Guys